Students & Courses


Samantha Anderson, Investigating the relationship between land-use planning and wildlife management through cormorant-human conflict (MES Major Paper 2023).

Madison Downer-Bartholomew, Great Lakes oil spills and waterbirds (Senior Honours Thesis 2023).

Wayne Humphries, Thick-billed murre hunt in NL (MES Major Paper 2022).

Maya Adachi-Amitay, Effects of Phragmites Invasion and Management on Wildlife Communities at Cell 1 Wetland in Tommy Thompson Park (Senior Honours Thesis 2022).

Sarah Costa, Breeding bird responses to restoration initiatives and subsequent vegetation changes in the Flats (Station 7) on Tommy Thompson Park (Senior Honours Thesis 2022).

Anuja Kapoor, Offshore Oil and Marine Protected Areas: Stakeholders, Conflicts and Future Directions in Nova Scotia, Canada (MES Major Paper 2020).

Paige Tompson, Black-footed albatross and Canadian fisheries: bycatch and conservation (MES Major Paper 2020).

Melina Damian, Wildlife and macro-pollution: examples from marine and freshwater environments (MES Major Paper 2019)

Junaid Khan, European fire ants and amphibian trends in Credit Valley Conservation Area wetlands (MES Major Paper 2018)

Paige Tompson, Native ant species diversity and invasive European fire ants in Credit Valley Conservation Area wetlands (Senior Honours Project, 2017)

Carolyn Duthie, European fire ant survey on Credit Valley Conservation Area wetlands (MES Major Paper 2017)

Aditi Gupta, The effect of cormorant nesting on invasive European fire ant abundance and distribution in Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto Ontario (Senior Honours Project, 2016)

Lisa Rosenberger, Behaviour and population dynamics of black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) and double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) (Biology MSc, 2015)

Narisha Erica Ali, Are the regulatory framework and industry practices in land development in the GTA facilitating the spread of an invasive ant, Myrmica rubra (European fire ant)? (MES Major Paper, 2015)

Meagan McRae, Knowing the Double-crested Cormorant: Behavioural ecology and public education of Double-crested Cormorants at Tommy Thompson Park (MES Major Paper 2015)

Aleksandra Lepiarska, Road ecology and behavioural ecology: methods and case studies (MES Portfolio, 2015)

Brenna Thompson,  Coyotes and their movement in relation to resources in Tommy Thompson Park (MES Major Paper 2014)

Sabrina Conliffe, Impacts of raccoons on nesting Black-crowned night-herons in Toronto, Ontario (Senior Honours Work 2014)

Nao Ito, co-supervision with L. Packer, Analyses of environmental factors for the persistence of Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in green spaces of the Greater Toronto Area and applications of ecological niche/species distribution models (MES Major Paper 2014)

Heather Lennox, The translocation of raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Tommy Thompson Park (Senior Honours Work 2014)

Miranda Chen, Estimating raccoon (Procyon lotor) occupancy and density using camera traps in Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto from 2010 to 2012 (Biology, Senior Honours Thesis 2013)

Andrew Chin, Bird-based indices of biotic integrity in Great Lakes coastal wetlands (Biology, MSc Thesis, 2013)

Thomas Langille, Raccoon camera trap study at Tommy Thompson Park (Senior Honours Work 2012)

Christine Furtado, co-supervision with K. Snow, Working groups and local governance: the case of chimney swifts for environmental planning innovation in Toronto (MES Major Paper, 2012)

Justine Manning, A feasibility plan of reintroducing Scarlet Macaws, Las Nubes Corridor, Costa Rica (MES Major Paper, 2012)

Dan Hammerschlag, Mammal poaching in the Las Nubes Corridor, Costa Rica (MES Major Paper, 2012)

Vanessa Higgins, Ocean noise pollution: Seismic guidelines and mitigation measures for sea turtles (MES Major Paper 2012)

Kristi Rudmik, co-supervision with L. Packer, Invasive European fire ants (Myrmica rubra) in an urban green-space: abundance, distribution and impact on tree nesting black-crowned night herons (MES, thesis 2011)

Ilona Feldman,  Double-crested cormorant management at Tommy Thompson Park: Conspecific attraction experiment and egg-oiling modeling (Biology MSc Thesis 2011)

Emily Rondel, Integrating birder knowledge into ecological monitoring frameworks (MES Major Paper, 2011)

Andrew Chin, The carryover effect of deterrent activities on the nesting sequence of tree-nesting double-crested cormorants (Phalancrocorax auritus) (Biology, Senior Honours Thesis, 2010)

Leigha Abergal, Conserving Toronto's Chimney swifts (MES Major Paper, 2009)

Bernard Taylor, Cormorant management and the Leslie Street Spit (MES, Major Paper 2009)

Nicole Richards, Characterization of freshwater turtle nesting beaches in an urban environment: Implications for management through the proposed use artificial nesting beaches (MES Major Paper, 2008)

Sepideh Lakfard, The breeding biology of Common Terns at Tommy Thompson Park, Ontario (Biology, MSc Thesis)

Dave Andrews, Foraging ecology of double-crested cormorants in Toronto with perspectives on management (Biology, MSc Thesis 2008)



ENVS 1500 3.0 Introduction to Environmental Science

ENVS 4446 3.0 Protected Areas Management