Selected Publications

Publications ordered by date

Calvert, A.M., S. E. Gutowsky, D. A. Fifield, N. M. Burgess, R. Bryant, G.S. Fraser, C. Gjerdrum, A. Hedd, P. L. Jones, R. A. Mauck, L. McFarlane Tranquilla, W. A. Montevecchi, I. L. Pollet, R. A. Ronconi, J. C. Rock, J. Russell, S. I. Wilhelm, S. N.P. Wong, and G. J. Robertson. 2024. Inter-colony variation in predation, mercury burden and adult survival in a declining seabird. Science of the Total Environment 911: 168549. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168549

Fraser, G.S. 2024. Post-fledging parental care in tree-nesting double-crested cormorants. Waterbirds 46(3): 1-7.

Kapoor, A., G.S. Fraser, A. Carter and D. Brooks. 2022. Overcoming divisive Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) for offshore oil and gas in Nova Scotia, Canada. Journal of Environmental Assessment, Policy and Management 23(1): 2250012.

Damian, M., A. Harris, J. Assuage and G.S. Fraser. 2022. Seasonal deposition of marine debris on an important marine turtle nesting beach in Costa Rica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 177:

Fraser, G.S., G.J. Robertson, I.J. Stenhouse and J.I. Ellis. 2022. Estimating the numbers of aquatic birds affected by oil spills: Pre-planning, response, and post-incident considerations. Environmental Reviews.

Kapoor, A., G.S. Fraser and A. Carter 2021. Marine conservation versus offshore oil and gas: Reconciling an intensifying dilemma in Atlantic Canada. Extractive Industries and Society.

Duthie, C., L. Timms and G.S. Fraser 2021. The European fire ant, Myrmica rubra (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), in the Credit River watershed. The Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario,152:

Damian, M. and G.S. Fraser 2020. Incorporation of anthropogenic debris into double-crested cormorant nests Toronto, Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 46 (6): 1761-1766.

McDonald, K., R. Toninger, A. Chreston, I. Feldmann and G.S. Fraser. 2018.  Living with double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus): A spatial approach for non-lethal management in Toronto, Canada. Waterbirds 41(2): 208-220. 

Fraser, G.S. and A. Carter. 2018. Seabird attraction to artificial light in Newfoundland and Labrador’s offshore oil fields: Documenting failed regulatory governance. Ocean Yearbook 32: 267-282.

McRae, M., M. Azadbakhsh and G.S. Fraser. 2017. The advertising display of double-crested cormorants varies with microhabitat and time of the season in a tree-nesting colony. Acta Ethologica 20(3): 319-327.  

Gupta, A., K. Rudmik and G.S. Fraser. 2017. Evidence for a negative effect of Double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) on invasive European fire ants (Myrmica rubra). Canadian Field Naturalist 131: 347-349.

Carter, A., G.S. Fraser and A. Zalik. 2017.  Environmental Policy Convergence in Canada’s Fossil Fuel Provinces? Regulatory Streamlining, Impediments, and Drift.  Canadian Public Policy 43(1).

Fraser, G.S. and V. Racine 2016. An evaluation of the reporting and response to small hydrocarbon spills from offshore oil production projects, Newfoundland, Canada: Implications for seabird conservation. Marine Pollution Bulletin 107: 36-45.

Fraser, G.S. and J. Russell 2016.  Following up on uncertain environmental assessment predictions: The case of offshore oil projects and seabirds off Newfoundland and Labrador. Journal of Environmental Assessment, Policy and Management 18(1): 33 pgs.

Chin, A., D. C. Tozer, N.G. Walton and G.S. Fraser 2015. Comparing bird-based disturbance gradients and indices of biotic integrity for ranking the health of great lakes coastal wetlands. Ecological Indicators 57:475-485.

Fraser, G.S. 2014. Offshore oil and gas development impacts on marine wildlife resources.  In: Peak oil, Economic growth, and wildlife conservation (Eds, J.E. Gates,  D.L. Trauger, B. Czech). Springer. Pg 191-217.

Chin, A., D. C. Tozer and G.S. Fraser 2014. Hydrology influences generalist-specialist bird-based indices of biotic integrity in Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Journal of Great Lakes Research 40(2) 281-287.

Ellis, J.I., S.I. Wilhelm, A. Hedd, G.S. Fraser, G.J. Robertson, J.F. Rail, M. Fowler and K.H. Morgan 2013. Mortality of migratory birds from marine commercial fisheries and offshore oil and gas production in Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology 8(2):4. 

Foster, J. and G.S. Fraser 2013. Predators, prey and the dynamics of change at the Leslie Street Spit. In: Urban Explorations: Environmental Histories of the Toronto Region, (Eds, L. A. Sandberg, S. Bocking, C. Coates and K. Cruikshank).  L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian Studies, Hamilton, ON.

Fraser, G.S., J. Russell, G. J. Robertson, R. Bryant and D. Fifield 2013.  Prospects for the Manx Shearwater colony on Middle Lawn Island, Newfoundland, Canada. Marine Ornithology 41:137-138.

Andrews, D., G.S. Fraser and D.V. Weseloh 2012.  Double-crested cormorant foraging ecology at a large colony in southern Ontario: Analyses of chick diet, feeding rates and foraging directions.  Waterbirds 35(sp1):82-90.

Elvin, S. and G.S. Fraser 2012. The need for a national Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Canadian offshore oil and gas industry with special emphasis on cumulative effects. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management 14 (3):1250015-1 - 1250015-37.

Taylor, B. and G.S. Fraser 2012. Effects of egg oiling on ground nesting double-crested cormorants at a colony in Lake Ontario: an examination of nest-attendance behaviour.  Wildlife Research

Ellis, J.I, G.S. Fraser and J. Russell, 2012.  A literature review of the effects of discharged drill cuttings from marine exploration and production platforms on benthic communities.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 456:285-302.

Taylor, B., D. Andrews and G.S. Fraser 2011. Double-crested cormorants and urban wilderness: conflicts and management. Urban Ecosystems 14: 377-394.

Fraser, G.S. and J. Ellis 2008.   Reply from Gail Fraser and Joanne Ellis to a letter from C-NLOPB. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. 10 (4): 475-481.

Fraser, G.S. and J. Ellis 2008.    The Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act: Transparency of the environmental management of the offshore oil and gas industry.  Marine Policy 33(2): 312-316.

Fraser, G.S. and J. Ellis 2008.  Offshore hydrocarbon and synthetic hydrocarbon spills in eastern Canada: The Issue of follow-up and experience.  Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. 10: 173-187.

Fraser, G.S., J. Ellis and L. Hussain 2008. International comparison of governmental disclosure of hydrocarbon spills from offshore oil and gas installations.  Marine Pollution Bulletin 56:9-13.

Fraser, G.S., W. M. von Zharen, and J. Russell 2006. Produced water discharges from offshore oil and gas installations on the Grand Banks, Newfoundland: were the effects to seabirds sufficiently evaluated? Marine Ornithology 34:147-156.

Russell, J, G.S. Fraser and J. Ellis  2006.  Colouring in the offshore: an atlas of endangered marine species and oil and gas activity off Newfoundland and Labrador, CD-ROM. Alder Institute, NL. Approximately 80 pages of text.  Role – Project Manager.  COPIES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST


Select unpublished reports/comments 

Carter, A. and G.S. Fraser 2019. Offshore Environmental Authority Recommendation: A Framework for Effective Environmental Regulation in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Offshore Oil and Gas Sector.  A policy brief submitted to Ministers Sohi, McKenna and Coady Jan 10, 2019. 4 pages.

Carter, A. and G.S. Fraser 2011. Offshore Environmental Authority Recommendation: A Framework for Effective Environmental Regulation in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Offshore Oil and Gas Sector: Applying Lessons from the Offshore Helicopter Safety Inquiry.  A policy brief submitted to Premier Dunderdale Jan 20, 2011. 2 pages.

Fraser, G.S. 2020. Open letter and interviews on Ontario's revised proposal to hunt Double-crested Cormorants.

Fraser, G.S. 2018. Comments submitted on Ontario's proposed 2018 Double-Crested Cormorant hunt.

Fraser, G.S. 2010. Comments submitted to the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board for the Comprehensive Study Report for the Hebron Development Project. August 2010. 6 pages.

Fraser, G.S. 2010. Comments submitted to the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board regarding the Hebron Development Project. August 2010. 2 pages.